Home Forums General Discussion Auckland Transport Charges

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  • Murray
    Post count: 487

    A government report on tackling Auckland’s congested roads suggests charging motorists $6 to cross the Harbour Bridge. The Ministry of Transport report makes a number of suggestions for charging people to drive into the city, including the Harbour Bridge option.

    Other proposals are $3 to enter a cordon - essentially the Auckland isthmus - at 15 charging points, or charging motorists $5 a day to enter the central business district. The maximum daily charge under all the proposals would be $6.

    Another of the five schemes in the report would involve a $10 a day additional charge on parking on both private and public property.

    The report was released today by Transport Minister David Parker, Finance Minister Michael Cullen and Transport Secretary Robin Dunlop.

    While government has an open mind and has not taken a position on this, depending on what comes out of the consultation process, the government may decide to look at the options further or decide to take no further action.

    A six-week consultation period starts today and ends on 28 April. Submissions can be made to the Ministry of Transport, which will be consulting with local government, business groups, non-government organisations and the public.

    The ministry will then report back to ministers on the outcome of the consultation.

    The bit BMWOR Members and your motorcycling friends, and the vast majority of you are in Auckland, need to be thinking about is why motorcycles are not on the exempt list of vehicles. The charges are proposed to apply from Monday to Friday, between 6am and 10am and public transport and emergency vehicles would be exempt. Taxis are included at this stage, but this could be re-examined.

    Go to http://www.transport.govt.nz/business/land/arpes/ and register if you want you say on this.

    Go to it.

    Post count: 2134

    I am either at work, or getting to work by pushbike, or getting knocked off my pushbike by woeful immigrant drivers during that time period.
    Wot'syaproblem ya yuppies?
    At least when the fossil fuels finally run out, you'll all be on pushbikes, and the air will be cleaner.
    I'll be dead of old age and decay, if an immigrant driver hasn't barrelled me in the meantime.
    I don't care.

    😀 😀 😀

    No, I'm not really that bad. Just sometimes travelling around Auckland is so bad that us JAFA's have to treat it as fantasy. Either that or double the intake of G&T or Prozac, whichever is your preferred tranq.

    Post count: 487
    Bwucie wrote:
    Just sometimes travelling around Auckland is so bad that us JAFA’s have to treat it as fantasy. Either that or double the intake of G&T or Prozac, whichever is your preferred tranq.

    Bwucie, exactly - and one of the main contibutors to our decison to move from Auckland many moons ago.

    But, the point I'm trying to make here is that there is no doubt that some form of congestion charging is going to happen in Auckland. It will involve the Bridge, quite possibly double any charge of any other entry point in Auckland. If people want to get charged for riding a motorcycle into or through Auckland then great, do nothing and don't give a toss about it. Me, I like to think that as a motorcyclist I do my bit to reduce congestion on our roads (nothwithstanding that it is my prefered form of transport in the first place), minimise the environmental footprint of our vehicles, use less gas etc. As such I think this should be acknowledged and I should be rewarded by not having to pay congestion charges for doing so. If we can encourage the powers that be to think about motorcyclists a bit more when they make decisions there can be positive spin-offs for the industry as a whole. For example, an exception from congestion charging may well prompt others to think about getting a bike rather than a poxy second-hand Jap import. I'm well in favour of more bikes on the road than cars.

    We have a sizable membership in BMWOR now. Time we had a bit of a voice in matters of this nature, don't ya think?
    Post count: 2134

    I agree with all your points.
    After your first post I went to the link immediately, and the bleddy site won't let me register.
    I had a thought and a homebrew and sent some blistering emails to the ministry, local MP, Mayor Sir Bazza, John (local councilor) Walker and Neil (1200 Bandit) Morrison, Manukau City Councilor.
    Some of my closest calls commuting are from bloody motorcyclists though. I think all you petrol-powered road users should be off the road until I have parked my pushbike. You are all a dangerous riff-raff.
    Now, which one of the four in our garage will I hop on for a little ride?
    (I do like a rant just before me dinner - the adrenaline must aid digestion.

    Post count: 487

    I suspect some contribution from your home brew as well Bwucie 😆

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